School Fees/Tuition Discount Policy

School Fees/Tuition Discount Policy

Purpose of the policy
Gloryfield Group of Schools believes in recruiting and retaining the best possible individuals for each position at the School. The purpose of this policy is to encourage the recruitment and retention of such individuals by enabling their children to be educated at the School.

Overview of Policy
The School maintains a policy of encouraging the children of Employees to attend the School.

Fees Discount: The School maintains a policy of granting a discount on School Fees to all Employees whose children are admitted to the School in accordance with the set standard.

Status: The Fees Discount does not form part of the contract of employment nor does it amount to any other contractual right.

Admission to the School: The admission of any child to the School is subject to the School’s admissions procedure. No special privilege or waiver shall be granted for this purpose.

Standard terms and conditions: The standard terms and conditions for pupils or students at the School and its other policies, procedures and rules will apply in respect of each child attending the School. If a conflict arises between the terms of this policy and any other document, this policy shall prevail.

Withdrawal: The Fees Discount may be amended or withdrawn at the absolute discretion of the School including if it becomes no longer economically viable for the School to maintain it due to changes in economic conditions and legislation without recourse to the beneficiary.

Commencement: The fees discount policy shall take effect from Second term 2022/2023 academic session i.e January 2023.

Conditions of the Fees Discount

  1. Eligibility: All Employees who have a Child occupying a place at the School, or whose Child has been allocated a place at the School, are permitted to benefit from the Fees Discount.
  2. Current rate:
  3. The current rate of the Fees Discount is 100% tuition free for the first child and 50% discount on two other children both full time and part-time Employees.
  4. This discount is applicable to “DIRECT” child (ren) of the employee only. Foster children or other family relations who resides with the employees are not entitled to the discount
  5. This discount is limited to three(3) children only
  6. The 100% and 50% covers the full value of tuition only in the school fees
  7. Best and brightest pupils or students shall enjoy full tuition discount and ICT charge free (100% of tuition and ICT charges) while other bills in the school fees will have to be paid for.
  8. The list of pupils and students to be considered for the “Best & Brightest” shall be submitted by the Head Master and Head of School to the Management Board for scrutiny and approval.
  9. In the case that an employee has more than three children in both primary and secondary school section, the limit for consideration still remains three children per employee from whichever of both schools.
  10. Students considered for the Best and Brightest must also be students crossing over from the primary section to the secondary section and must have been adjudged to be the best or have performed wonderfully well in external exams that were not conducted by the school itself.
  11. The outright condition for a student to continue to enjoy full value of Tuition and ICT is that such student must continually be academically sound. As such, periodic review shall be done on the performance of these students to justify this discount.
  12. Calculation: The Fees Discount will be calculated by reference to net tuition fees and/ICT fee where applicable.
  13. Limit: The Fees Discount is limited to three children per Employee.
  14. Application to both parents: In circumstances where both parents are employed by the School and eligible for the Fees Discount, it will only be applied to both employees as “one entity”.
  15. Termination of employment: Eligibility for the Fees Discount will automatically cease if employment with the School comes to an end for any reason.
  16. Continuing School Fees: If your employment terminates for any reason and your child continues to be educated at the School, you will be required to pay for your child’s place at the School at the full rate of the School’s published tuition fees from time to time, for the remaining duration of your child’s education at the School.
  17. Application process: The school bursar shall submit all the names of students/pupils eligible for both full and part discount at resumption of each academic session.


  1. Starting from third term 2022/2023 academic session ALL parents who have more than one child in Gloryfield International College or Gloryfield Junior School shall henceforth enjoy a 10% school fees discount on the second child and on every other subsequent child.
  2. This policy is only applicable to “BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN” as investigation will be carried out on every child enjoying this privilege.

Thank you,
Ibimidu David.


Additional Information for Senior and Junior Schools.